50 x 40 cm – £ 1,600
With its beauty and intricate detail, this gate represents a gate of peace. The doors on the gates of peace are shut, and peace no longer has a place among us. The lighting represents hope in rebuilding the gate and reconstructing it wholly without losing any pieces. On a journey of self-discovery and in search for peace, one of the routes is through Andalusia with a gate of peace identical to others in the Levant. Gates of peace can only serve their purpose if they are open, so why should they ever be shut?
You wrote to me, my dear
Asking about the bright chateau
Bringing from Damascus .. within its convoy
Civilization and peace
There is nothing left of Cordoba
Except for the tears of crying minaret
Except for the Fragrance of Adalya and rose flowers and Narenj
And still the pronunciation of Arabisation
As a sad flower in a vase
It has been eight centuries
As if we left this day
All art pieces are made from reclaimed wood signifying rebirth and the possibility for hope in the future. The wood used in this piece is British pine wood reclaimed from a kitchen in the UK.